How we can help you implement a social influence approach to your retirement content marketing?
We bring together today’s leading experts to explore and address leading topics, positioning your firm as a thought leader in retirement. Our agnostic, unbiased, educational approach, combined with over 30 years’ experience and connections in the industry, focuses on identifying practical retirement solutions for the mass affluent and middle mass markets.
[notification style=”success” font_size=”16px” closeable=”false”] Our content marketing approaches include stories about retirement solutions for the middle market, live and recorded panel discussions, and live and recorded webinars for advisors.[/notification]
Content marketing sponsorships are available
We are currently focusing on social and web campaigns targeting Women and Retirement, and retirement planning do-overs. To learn more, please complete the call 847-686-0440 ext. 102.
What is retirement content marketing?
According to Joe Pulizzi, author of “Epic Content Marketing: How to Tell a Different Story, Break through the Clutter, and Win More Customers by Marketing Less”, content marketing is “the marketing and business process for creating and distributing valuable and compelling content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action. Content marketing is a strategy focused on the creation of a valuable experience.”
[notification style=”success” font_size=”16px” closeable=”false”] Good content marketing leads clients and prospects to think and behave differently. [/notification]
Why should financial services companies sponsor retirement content marketing?
Brands can produce longer, higher-quality content that builds audience following such as blog posts, videos, infographics, etc. to model their behavior after media publishers.
[notification style=”success” font_size=”16px” closeable=”false”] Content marketing enables brands to focus more on lead generation and conversion in addition to brand awareness. It is a means of communicating directly with customers and prospects.[/notification]
The power of using social media for content marketing
According to Seth Godin, author of “Permission Marketing”, delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want to get them is the best marketing of all.
[notification style=”success” font_size=”16px” closeable=”false”] Effective content marketing is non-interruption marketing that allows you to communicate and engage with customers and prospects by delivering consistent, ongoing, valuable information during the 99% of the time they are not ready to buy.[/notification]
Let us help you provide outstanding content.